Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sprinkles turning into drops

Thursday was an interesting day. It rained all day so I decided to stay home and try out my baking and cooking skills. For once, my cooking skills turned out better than my baking. I got up and started a roast at 10 a.m. and let it simmer all day till about 6. Mmm It was so good! I made apple bread for dessert. That one the other hand looked horrible but it tasted pretty good!

Scary looking. But still taste, and that's all that matters right??

Sometimes Thursday I hurt my back. Not sure how I did it but I did. So I spent Friday at Urgent Care and they concluded I have a lumbar sprain. How the heck you sprain your lower back while doing nothing I'm not sure. But I somehow did it. I really need to live in a bubble. I got some nice muscle relaxers and a few pain pills. I do feel somewhat better today. Thanks to a wonderful heating pad.

I did find some bad news out thanks to facebook. A family friend lost her brother. Another wife lost her husband. I don't know what it is, but that alone makes me hurt. I hurt knowing what they're going to go through. What they're going to experience, and how much their life is going to change. It breaks my heart. This is one thing I wish I could protect from anybody. The hurt, the loneliness, the pain both emotionally and physically. One may not think that when you experience grief you don't experience a physical pain, but you do. It hurts so bad. No pain reliever to take it away you just have to deal. Along with everything else in your new life. You have to learn to deal.

It's like a boulder just hit me. Every time I hear of death I am sent spiraling back down the mountain. Back to were I started, except this time a little different. I'm a little stronger, and I know what to expect. Who  needs to hike up Mt. Everest when you have life to hike through.

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