Thursday, December 26, 2013


Everything happens for a reason.

I do believe that, to a point. Sometimes I believe the reason is our own stupidity. But the moments, when something just happens, and you know the hand of the other side was helping, there's a reason.

Normally, on an occasion like that, my heart would be in a million pieces. Breaking apart of what should have been. Not that I'm over what should have been, but I'm just well aware of what can't be. I've learned to pick myself up and slowly stitch together my broken heart. A helping hand helped stitch a few more pieces tonight. In the weirdest of places and incidents.

Patience really is a virtue. Karma really does come around. Waiting is the hardest part. I don't believe karma is always bad, but simply an eye opener.

"Look what you're missing."

Is whatever battle you're fighting with someone, with yourself really worth missing out on something else so tiny, pure, and precious?

I think sometimes we forget to ask ourselves that.

Today. I hope in the eyes of someone else, reality hit. Not the bad kind, but that soft, sobering kind that simply says, "Is what I'm doing really worth it, or right? Look at what I'm missing."

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